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We believe in the “priesthood of all believers,” that all baptized Christians are called to service and leadership in the church, according to their gifts. We also practice a congregational polity, which means our church is governed by a democracy. Every member of the church participates and votes in major decisions impacting leadership, finances and major property repairs. A variety of leadership teams handle the regular business of the church.


The primary function of the Council is to propose to the congregation the vision, direction, goals and strategic objectives for the church, to communicate that vision to the teams and help them pursue those goals. The Council nominates leaders, develops policy, handles the annual stewardship campaign, organizes Sausage Supper and Oktoberfest, and oversees the budget. The Council consists of 10 members: the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and chairs of the five Leadership Teams.




Finance & Property

The Finance & Property Team oversees all St. Luke’s assets and carries out fiduciary responsibilities. They oversee property management such as repairs, improvements, insurance and capital projects. They manage income and expenses, prepare the budget, oversee the church’s investments. They are also responsible for the management of the St. Luke’s Scholarship and Heritage Room and historic items.

Spiritual Life

The Spiritual Life Team ministers to the worship life and spiritual care of the St. Luke’s community. They assist the pastor in planning worship services, oversee music ministries and adult faith formation, engage lay participants in worship and organize support and visitation for St. Luke’s members who face illness, disability, crisis or tragedy.


The Fellowship Team provides people of all ages and interests at St. Luke’s with opportunities to grow in their faith and connect to other people in community. They organize fellowship groups and special events including the Mother-Daughter Banquet, Birthday Sundays and Church Picnic. They also provide hospitality and food ministry for St. Luke’s events.


Children & Youth

The Children & Youth Team nurtures the faith of children and youth in our congregation. They organize Sunday School, the Christmas Pageant, Family Music Night, Confirmation and other special activities throughout the year.


Mission & Evangelism

The Mission & Evangelism Team reaches out beyond our church walls to serve others, share the good news of Jesus Christ and invite people to St. Luke’s. They oversee relationships with community groups, lead service and mission activities, organize special offerings and handle church publicity.

Board of Elders

The Board of Elders are the spiritual leaders of the church. They are elected and ordained by the congregation for life. Elders are chosen for their exemplary faith and long tenure of leadership. They work closely with the Spiritual Life Team. The Board of Elders assists the pastor in the spiritual affairs of the church, prepares and serves Holy Communion, reaches out to members who become inactive and keeps an accurate membership roll.



The Personnel Team facilitates relationships between St. Luke’s staff, leadership and members. They ensure adherence to personnel policies, recommend salary adjustments and handle any staff-related concerns.

No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey,


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